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Mixed Emotions

Two weeks ago, I published my first book. I poured a lot of time and effort into the writing, rewriting, editing and re-editing (If that is a word) of this series of short stories about my life and the lessons God taught me from each situation I encountered.

I have had nothing but positive feedback from those who have read or started reading the book. That is an exciting thing for me. I wrote the book from my perspective with hopes of pointing others to the Father. I have had comments like, "You did a great job." and one person even said, "You are a great man." This, my friends is where the mixed emotions come in. I am not a great man. I am completely flawed in most ways. I make bad decisions frequently. BUT, Jesus is faithful in every situation to forgive me and set my feet back onto the correct path if I will listen to His still soft voice. The good and sometimes great things about me are merely a reflection of the One within me. I receive the compliments and am honored that someone would take the time to read my thoughts and experiences. I am more honored that they would take the time to comment on them. I merely want to remind myself that it is not I, but the Spirit within me that shines. (2 Corinthians 3:18).


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